Saturday 18 July 2020

The attitude of Gratitude

It is the feeling of gratefulness that attracts more abundance to us. Whenever we are receiving something we are happy.Being able to feel gratitude for what we have got in terms of money, gifts, friends, a new bag, a good pair of shoes or a life partner is the essence of joy, and above all expressing our satisfaction by saying: "Thank you" is natural.
Let yourself melt in this feeling of gratitude for every thing you have in the present moment: Life, health, strength, food, job, relationships and money

Saturday 21 February 2015

Today I have changed this blog name from Nirkisu to Suniti and have opened it to friends.

Sunday 5 August 2012

चलो आज खुद अपना मन बहलायें! यदि टीवी पर कार्यक्रम  अरुचिकर हो, यदि अन्य चैनलों पर भी अची फिल्म ना आ रही हो तो स्वयं अपना मन भला लेना चाहिए!

Tuesday 10 July 2012